Black Bass Crudo with Buddha's Hand and Pickle

Black Bass Crudo with Buddha's Hand and Pickle

I had a black bass crudo not too long ago at Eataly in L.A. and decided I would make my own version.  Black bass is an amazing fish that if you can come across, by all means get it.  A delicious bass with white flesh that is moist and flaky.  I had gotten some beautiful buddha's hand citrus and the farmers market and thought it would be a perfect compliment to the fish.  This is really a simple recipe if you have especially you have done the buddha hand preserve in advance. Here is the recipe I hope you enjoy it!

Buddha Hand Preserve
1 buddha hand sliced 1/8 inch thick on a mandolin
1 1/4 cup water
3/4 cup sugar

8 oz of black bass sliced thin
2 tbsp of soy
1 tsp of sesame oil
2-3 tbsp of Buddha hand preserve
1 tsp of Hawaiian large flake chili salt
1 tsp togarashi chili flakes
3 gherkins sliced thin
Micro celery or tatso 

For the preserve,

Bring small pot of water to a boil, place the sliced buddha hand in the boiling water and blanch for 3 seconds.  Strain off the water.  Repeat the same step two more times blanching and staring the buddha hand slices.  after 3 times add the measured water and sugar and bring to a boil.  Add the buddha's hand blanched slices to the pot.  Cook for 5-10 minutes and then pour into a preserve jar seal properly. 

To Finish,

Slice black bass thinly on the bias.  Then in a small bowl add sesame oil, soy sauce, and splash of buddha hand syrup.  Mix well.  Spoon over the slices of bass.  Season each slice with Hawaiian salt, gherkin slices, a piece of buddha preserve, togarashi chili flakes, and micro celery. Serve and enjoy!

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