Easy Stuffed Avocado Recipe with Edamame and Coconut

Easy Stuffed Avocado Recipe with Edamame and Coconut

You have to try this easy stuffed avocado recipe with coconut and edamame!  It is absolutely amazing and delicious!

This stuffed avocado recipe is such an easy recipe that defines clean eating! There isn't a ton of prep and the bulk of the vegetable mixture can be kept for days. This fantastic vegan recipe is one that anyone would love even those carnivores!

The filling is simple. shelled edamame, fresh coconut, celery, and spring onion. Those four ingredients are mixed with a jalapeno sauce (if you don't have nasturtium just substitute cilantro. This is a fantastic meal that is perfect any day of the week and almost any time of the year if you can find the ingredients. Here is the stuffed avocado recipe with edamame, coconut and jalapeño!

Stuffed Avocado with Edamame, Coconut, Jalapeno

For the Jalapeno Sauce

For the Vegetables

  • 2 cups edamame (blanched)
  • 1 cup fresh coconut (small diced )
  • 1 cup celery (small diced )
  • 1/2 cup jalapeno sauce
  • 1/3 cup spring onions (sliced thin)
  • 3 x-large avocados


  • 1/4 cup nasturtium leaves
  • 1/4 cup celery leaves
  • 5 tbsp olive oil

For the vegetables

  1. For the edamame, boil frozen beans for 2-3 minutes in a pot of salted water until the edamame are tender. Strain off and place in an ice bath to stop the cooking process.

    Place small diced celery and fresh coconut in bowl. Strain off the edamame and add to the bowl. Season the vegetables with the jalapeno sauce and salt. Mix well with a spoon until all the ingredients are combined.

To finish

  1. Cut the avocados in half, scoop out and place on each plate. Season with salt and spoon the vegetables inside the avocado and around it. Drizzle with olive oil. Garnish with nasturtiums and celery leaves. Optional could be a squeeze of lime as well. Serve and enjoy this delicious appetizer!

stuffed avocado
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