Incredible Tomato Salsa with Jalapeno!

Incredible Tomato Salsa with Jalapeno!

Tomato salsa recipe with jalapeño  is one of those sauces that you need to learn how to make.

If you are one of those home cooks who happen to have a garden in the summertime, then you probably will have an abundance tomatoes and peppers. 

The key to getting a great flavor to the salsa is charring the ingredients until they are "burnt". I think what you would traditionally think of as burnt is when you have charred the ingredients enough. The look of the onions and tomatoes should look burnt but in actually they give the smokey, roasted flavor that is what makes good salsa differ from average ones.

If you want to add more flavor to this basic salsa trying grill them on a wood grill or in wood oven. If you don't have either one of those items you can always smoke the ingredients briefly in a stovetop smoker. You don't have to do this by any means but as you start cooking more and more and you want to try small variances of recipes this is one way to achieve that goal. Here is the recipe for tomato and jalapeno salsa, I hope you enjoy it!

Tomato and Jalapeno Salsa


Tomato and Jalapeno Salsa

  • 4 each jalapenos or serranos
  • 3 large heirloom tomatoes
  • 1 whole onion
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1/3 cup cilantro
  • 1 cup water
  • salt to taste

Tomato and jalapeno salsa

  1. Toss serranos, tomatoes, and onions with oil and salt, and place either on a grill on in your oven on the broiler setting. Char the outside of each ingredient until black and tender (the peppers might only take 5-10 minutes. The onions and tomatoes maybe 12-15 minutes) Then add all of the ingredients to a blender with water, cilantro, and salt and puree for 20 seconds. Adjust the seasoning if need be with more salt.

    tomato salsa
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